Thepuzzletree, a preschool teacher from Durham, NC, wrote:

This is by far THE best alternative ever to a standard chalkboard for preschool classes. After I found this on your site and read the reviews, I purchased a roll to try it out. I did what one of your other reviewers suggested and cut out a piece of cardboard to put the contact paper on to make a chalkboard (I actually made two of them) and it has worked incredibly well--especially with the Colorations sidewalk chalk that I purchased for the toddlers at our preschool. Applying the chalkboard contact paper with a wall-paper hanger will help smooth out the bubbles that one reviewer had mentioned...but even on not perfectly smooth cardboard the drawings, letters and numbers still look great! I plan to purchase several rolls to use for replacement (when the ones I made wear out) and to make smaller personal-use chalkboards for teaching letters, numbers, shapes, etc."
Read all reviews for the Con-Tact® Chalkboard Rolls here.